Chapter 1

In an effort to spend more time explaining the R syntax we’re using in this class and to connect what those tasks are with the examples from the book, I’ll generate videos that walk through how to create the same models, figures, and statistical output that the textbook includes.

Note that these are based on the 2nd Edition of the data. The principles and steps are very similar for the 1st edition. For example, the 2nd edition uses Honda Accord prices, while the 1st edition used Porsche prices. 1st edition users can still use the PorschePrice data from the Stat2Data package.


Here is a quick video overview of what’s going on in an RMarkdown file using the Smith College server.

Chapter 1

1.1 - Examples in 3 parts

Part 1 - Example 1.1: Loading and Printing the Data

Part 2 - Example 1.2: Making a Scatterplot

Part 3 - Example 1.3: Fitting a Regression Model

1.3 - Assessing Conditions