Data Wrangling with dplyr

Materials from class on Friday, March 27, 2020

Who & What

Emma Livingston, a Senior SDS major, will be leading another workshop on using dplyr - part of the tidyverse packages we have been using - for data management, such making new variables, renaming and/or recoding variables.

When & Where

  • McConnell 103
  • Friday, 3/27 from 2-4pm

Goals for the Session are to:

  • Practice Creating New Variables with mutate()
  • Learn how to select variables (select()) and keep rows (filter())
  • Renaming variables and recoding values

What you will need for the session

  • A computer that can run RStudio

Do I Have to Attend? Do I Have to Use GitHub?

No and No. This is gently encouraged, especially if you haven’t taken SDS 192: Intro to Data Science, but definitely optional.