7. Problem set 7

Due by 11:59 AM on Monday, April 13, 2020


  • 9.18, 9.19 (1st Edition); 9.28, 9.29 (2nd Edition)

Clarifications and Cautions

  • 9.18 or 9.28: don’t calculate the OR here – that comes later. For “a”, you can use conditional proptortions or percentages - of females, what % survived - but don’t do more than that here (calculating the OR comes in 9.19/9.29c). And for “b”, just talk about the direction of the slope and how it corresponds to “a”.

  • 9.19/9.29c: it refers to “an estimated coefficient from the output for the model found in (b)” – that should be “in 9.18/9.28b” not 9.19/9.29b.

There are multiple Titanic datasets that exist in different R packages, so be sure that you’re drawing on the one from Stat2Data package (it is Titanic with a capital “T”).

Yes, this Titanic.

Or, if you want, this one.

And maybe, given how Spring 2020 is shaping up, this one?

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Use the Homework 7 submission on Moodle.