2. Problem set 2

Due by 11:59 AM on Monday, February 10, 2020


Questions 2.15, 2.18, and 2.25 (2nd Edition) or 2.13, 2.16, and 2.17 (1st Edition)

Skip 2.25 / 2.17 A

For 2.25 / 2.17 D, refer to 2.18 / 2.16 A instead of 2.25 / 2.17 A

Template .RMd file

There is a template RMarkdown file for these questions here. The link will download the .RMd template file, which you can upload to the server as we did in class or open in the desktop version of RStudio.

You are expected to knit to pdf. Please allow enough time to resolve any errors before the deadline.

Submit on Moodle

Use the Homework 1 submission on Moodle for section 1 or section 2.