Assignment details

Problem sets / Homework

To practice writing R code, running inferential models, and thinking about causation, you will complete a series of problem sets.

There will be 9 problem sets on the schedule: 5 before Spring Break and 4 after. You need to show that you made a good faith effort to work each question. I will not grade these in detail. The problem sets will be graded using a check system, which will hold numeric grade corrolaries.

  • ✔+: Problem set is 100% completed and correct. The document is organized, clean and easy to follow. Work is exceptional. I will not assign these often. (Corresponds to an A)
  • ✔: Problem set is 85–99% complete and most answers are correct. This is the expected level of performance. (Corresponds to an A-)
  • ✔−: Problem set is less than 85% complete and/or most answers are incorrect. This indicates that you need to improve next time. I will hopefully not asisgn these often. (Corresponds to a B)

You may (and should!) work together on the problem sets, but you must turn in your own answers. You cannot work in groups of more than four people, and you must note who participated in the group in your assignment.

Take Home Exams

There will be two take home exams - one on simple linear regression and one on logistic regression. The planned exam for multiple linear regression was cancelled.